Winston Salem

Winston-Salem Veterans Claims Eligibility Requirements

Legally reviewed by Brendan Garcia , Partner and Lead Attorney

Navigating Physical Condition Claims for Veterans in Winston-Salem

While serving on active duty in the US military can fill a person with a sense of pride and accomplishment, it can also leave veterans with injuries that negatively impact their civilian lives. Fortunately, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides compensation to former service members whose service-connected disabilities and injuries prevent them from maintaining gainful employment or cause other impairments, subject to Winston-Salem veterans’ claims eligibility requirements.

However, every applicant for disability benefits must meet the VAโ€™s strict requirements to receive the compensation they deserve. One of our VA-accredited lawyers can help you understand Winston-Salem veterans’ claims eligibility requirements for obtaining disability compensation. If your application for benefits is met with a denial, we can help you gather the evidence needed to prove your eligibility to VA.

Qualifying Conditions

The first step to filing a VA disability claim is establishing that a veteran suffers from an illness or injury directly related to their time on active duty. Qualifying conditions for veteran claims in Winston-Salem can include any physical injuries, emotional trauma, or illnesses that can be traced to an applicantโ€™s active duty service.

Veterans with certain conditions may automatically qualify for disability compensation without needing to otherwise prove entitlement to service connection if a condition was diagnosed within a certain amount of time following active duty. Examples of presumptive service-related disabilities include:

  • Gulf War syndrome
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Certain sleep disturbances
  • Conditions related to Agent Orange exposure for veterans who served in Vietnam or certain other locations
  • Heart diseases including hypertension

Most claimants must present medical evidence to establish the scope and severity of their disability. A veteran may be able to rely on VA-appointed doctors to assess their condition and document its impact on their life during a C&P exam, which may then qualify them for a disability rating on a scale of zero to 100 percent. Otherwise, a member of our diligent legal team can help a former servicemember gather relevant medical evidence to support their claim during the VA appeal process.

Connecting Active Duty Service to a Disabling Condition

Another important element of filing a disability claim is making the connection between a veteranโ€™s current condition and their time spent in uniform. An injury suffered in combat, during a training exercise, or even when serving in a logistical or administrative capacity may all qualify a former servicemember for compensation. Providing entitlement to service connection is often the most difficult part of a claim.

Applicants may need to obtain service treatment records from their time on active duty that indicate exposure to toxic substances, a training accident, or other potential sources of any adverse symptoms. A Winston-Salem attorney from our firm can help establish a connection between a veteranโ€™s current condition and events which took place during their active duty service in order to meet VAโ€™s strict eligibility requirements.

Being Discharged under Honorable Conditions

Proving eligibility for disability compensation in Winston-Salem requires former servicemembers to demonstrate that they were discharged from the military under honorable conditions. This can be accomplished by providing a copy of their DD-214. A member of our team can also help veterans who have received a denial of benefits present evidence and testimony during an administrative hearing before a Veterans Law Judge at the Board of Veterans Appeals.


Ask an Attorney about Veterans Disability Claims Eligibility Requirements in Winston-Salem

Every veteran deserves to receive disability compensation for any service-related injuries which negatively affect their civilian life. However, only those who are able to demonstrate that their disabling condition is directly related to their active duty service by proving entitlement to service connection may qualify for benefits.

If you have already received a denial on your application, we can assist you in proving the extent of your injury or illness, making the necessary connection between your disability and your active duty service, and gathering documents to prove that you were discharged under honorable conditions. Contact our firm today to learn more about Winston-Salem veterans’ claims eligibility requirements from a professional.