Male veteran dealing with erectile dysfunction (ED) sitting on a bed at home

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) VA Rating & Denials | Free Case Reviews

Legally reviewed by Brendan Garcia , Owner and Lead Attorney

Veterans can file VA disability claims for erectile dysfunction related to their military service or another service-connected condition.


  • Veterans with erectile dysfunction may struggle to sustain an erection or become aroused due to health issues related to their active duty military service.
  • Chronic conditions like heart disease and mental conditions like PTSD can increase a vet’s likelihood of developing erectile dysfunction.
  • The erectile dysfunction (ED) VA rating is based on the level of impairment a veteran experiences, which determines the amount of Special Monthly Compensation-K they qualify for.
  • A veterans disability benefits lawyer can help establish a service connection and fair erectile dysfunction (ED) VA rating.

It is an unfortunate truth that veterans are at a higher risk for several physical and mental health conditions, including erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can have a ripple effect on a person’s life. For many vets, ED has an impact on their relationships, quality of life, and emotional well-being.

As such, if you developed erectile dysfunction during or after your service, you may be entitled to VA disability erectile dysfunction benefits. Receiving an adequate erectile dysfunction (ED) VA rating can be difficult. It often requires veterans to skillfully leverage the VA disability rating system to receive full disability compensation.

At VetLaw, our veterans disability benefits denial attorneys provide support and guidance to veterans across the country. As the law firm of choice for countless veterans and their families, we are confident in our ability to fight for your rights and win your case.

To learn more about how we can help, consider contacting our office today. You can reach us at (855) 765-9357 or complete a contact form on our website to set up a free case evaluation.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition characterized by the persistent inability to achieve or maintain erections firm enough for sex. Having trouble with erections is normal from time to time. However, if the issue happens routinely, it may be a cause for seeking treatment.

In some situations, having issues with getting or maintaining an erection can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition. The symptoms of erectile dysfunction often vary from person to person. Some of the most commonly reported symptoms of the condition include:

  • Persistent trouble getting an erection
  • Being unable to maintain an erection for the duration of sex
  • Reduced sexual desire
  • Total inability to achieve an erection

Erectile dysfunction is a prevalent condition, impacting approximately one in ten men. There are many known risk factors of erectile dysfunction, such as:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Prostate cancer or issues
  • High blood pressure
  • Neurological disorders like stroke or multiple sclerosis
  • Chronic sleep disorders such as sleep apnea
  • Injury to the penis, spinal cord, bladder, or pelvis
  • Depression
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Substance abuse
  • Peyronie’s disease

It should also be noted that compared to the general population, veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder are at an increased risk of erectile dysfunction. In fact, one study reports that 85% of veterans with PTSD also experience erectile dysfunction. This insight helps to demonstrate the connection between military service and erectile dysfunction.

38 CFR Erectile Dysfunction

Under 38 C.F.R., erectile dysfunction (ED) is recognized as a compensable disability if it can be linked to service-related incidents or conditions. Veterans suffering from ED due to their military service or a service-connected condition may be eligible for benefits under specific diagnostic codes. Unlike other disabilities, ED does not have a standalone rating but is assessed through codes related to genitourinary conditions, with compensation potentially including Special Monthly Compensation (SMC-K) for “loss of use of a creative organ.” Properly establishing a service connection is crucial, often requiring detailed medical evidence and a thorough claim process. Veterans seeking to claim ED benefits should consider consulting with a knowledgeable VA disability attorney to navigate the complexities and secure the compensation they deserve.

Does the VA Consider Erectile Dysfunction to Be a Disability It Will Cover?

Yes, the VA does consider erectile dysfunction to be a disability it will cover. Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition that can prevent a person from living a happy and fulfilling life. It can negatively impact a person’s relationship with their partner and hinder their ability to have a healthy sex life.

Moreover, the treatment for erectile dysfunction can place a serious financial and physical burden on the individual. For these reasons, the VA does offer disability benefits to veterans who struggle with erectile dysfunction.

To qualify for VA disability erectile dysfunction benefits, you must demonstrate that you have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction and that an incident or injury occurred during your service.

Additionally, you must show there is a medical nexus (connection) between your condition and the in-service incident or injury. If you can meet these criteria, the VA may grant you veterans disability benefits.

Understanding How to Claim ED on VA Disability

Claiming erectile dysfunction (ED) on VA disability involves establishing a connection between your military service and your condition. Veterans must provide a medical diagnosis of ED and demonstrate how it relates to service-related injuries or conditions. They can accomplish this by submitting supporting evidence like medical records and nexus letters.

The VA recognizes ED under special monthly compensation, offering additional benefits for veterans. By understanding the claim process and gathering the necessary documentation, you can effectively navigate the VA system to secure the benefits you deserve.

VA Disability Compensation for ED: Understanding Your Entitlements

Understanding VA disability compensation for erectile dysfunction (ED) is crucial for veterans who experience this challenging condition. ED can significantly impact a veteran’s quality of life and relationships, making it essential to know what compensation you may be entitled to. The VA recognizes erectile dysfunction as a condition that can be connected to military service, and it offers benefits to help alleviate the financial burden associated with treatment and management. To qualify for VA disability compensation for ED, veterans must demonstrate a medical diagnosis of the condition and its link to service-related injuries or illnesses. By gathering the necessary documentation and understanding the claims process, veterans can navigate the VA system to secure the support they need. For tailored guidance and assistance with your claim, consider consulting with a veterans disability benefits attorney who can help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

How Can Erectile Dysfunction Be Connected to Military Service?

With erectile dysfunction being such a common issue among veterans, it is natural to wonder how this condition is connected to military service. Many times, individuals who experience trauma during their military service also struggle with erectile dysfunction.

Military sexual trauma is one such example of this. Individuals who experience sexual trauma during their service are often required to work with their attacker on a regular basis, causing stress and leaving them vulnerable to developing sexual dysfunction.

Another connection can be made between substance abuse and erectile dysfunction. Veterans with mental health conditions like PTSD are more likely to abuse alcohol and other illicit substances. This increases the risk of developing erectile dysfunction.

Veterans with other underlying conditions are also at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Men who have diabetes are roughly two times more likely to struggle with erectile dysfunction than men who do not have diabetes.

It is not uncommon for veterans to file a claim for erectile dysfunction along with a claim for other conditions like depression, sleep apnea, prostate cancer, anxiety, or hypertension.

What Is the VA Disability Rating for Erectile Dysfunction?

Unlike other conditions, erectile dysfunction does not have its own classification under the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities. Instead, the VA evaluates erectile dysfunction under various other rating categories found within 38 C.F.R. § 4.115b. Specifically, Diagnostic Codes 7520 – 7524 are used to assign an individual’s erectile dysfunction VA rating:

  • Under Code 7520, if the penis was partially removed, a rating of 30% will be assigned.
  • Based on Code 7521, if a person’s glands were removed, the condition is rated at 20%.
  • Code 7522 states that if a man has difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection due to physical deformity, a rating of 20% will be granted.
  • According to Code 7523, if the testicles become atrophied due to reduced testosterone, a disability rating of 20% will be assigned if both testicles are affected and 0% if only one testicle is affected.
  • Under Code 7524, if a person has both testicles removed, they will be granted a 30% rating. If they only had one testicle removed, a 0% rating will be assigned.

Even if you receive a 0% erectile dysfunction VA rating, you may still obtain compensation through the Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) program. SMC-K provides additional benefits to veterans who experience “loss of use of a creative organ,” which is basically any veteran who suffers from erectile dysfunction.

SMC-K is paid in addition to your monthly compensation check. That means that even if you already have a 100 % VA disability rating, seeking service connection for erectile dysfunction can increase your monthly payment amount.

What If the VA Denies Your Claim for Erectile Dysfunction?

Successfully applying for and obtaining VA disability benefits for erectile dysfunction can be challenging. Many veterans are initially denied compensation for a variety of reasons. While you may feel discouraged after receiving a denial for your VA disability claim, several options are available to continue your case and ultimately secure benefits.

At VetLaw, we have worked with veterans to:

  • Submit a Supplemental Claim containing new and/or relevant evidence that supports their claim. In some cases, additional medical records or statements of support are necessary to increase your erectile dysfunction VA rating and secure the benefits you deserve.
  • Request a Higher-Level Review to have their claim re-evaluated by a senior reviewer. Mistakes happen and it is not uncommon for another opinion to change the outcome of a case.
  • File an appeal with the Board of Veterans’ Appeals. We have a great deal of experience navigating this high-level appeal system and are confident in our ability to win your case through an additional evidence submission, direct review, or a hearing with a Veterans Law Judge.

Hire an Attorney Near You to Help with Your VA Disability Rating Denial for Erectile Dysfunction

Hiring a veterans disability claims attorney to help with your VA disability erectile dysfunction case can make all the difference. The right attorney will work with you to obtain the proper evidence for your case, increase your erectile dysfunction VA rating, and successfully appeal your denied claim.

At VetLaw, this is the sole focus of our work. We guide veterans and their families through the VA process, working tirelessly to ensure that their rights are upheld at every step of the way. Consider connecting with our team to begin your free case review today.

Reach out to us at (855) 765-9357 or complete a contact form on our website to set up a free case evaluation. We will treat you with the respect and dignity you deserve from day one.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are veterans more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction?

Recent evidence suggests that ED rates are higher among veterans as compared to the rest of the population. A 2022 study of male veterans found that 14% of the men in the sample experienced ED, whereas approximately 10% of American men have ED. 

The researchers speculate that veterans are more likely to experience the physical and mental traumas that are known to cause erectile dysfunction, contributing to the higher rates of the condition among vets.  

Can I file a secondary condition claim for erectile dysfunction?

Yes, this is a common method for veterans to secure VA disability benefits for erectile dysfunction. As discussed, ED is often an indicator of an underlying physical or mental condition. Veterans are prone to the types of mental and physical health problems- such as obesity, diabetes, and depression- that can lead to ED.

To claim VA disability for secondary ED, you must show a service-connected condition caused or worsened your ED. For example, say a vet experienced toxic burn pit exposure while on active duty. This caused them to develop pancreatic cancer, which is a presumptive condition for burn pit exposure. 

The radiation treatments for their cancer damaged the nerves that allowed them to maintain an erection. Consequently, they developed erectile dysfunction, a complication of treating many cancers. The vet would likely have a strong case for securing VA disability benefits for their ED as a secondary condition

How long does it take the VA to process a disability claim appeal?

If your original claim for disability benefits was unsuccessful, you may find yourself waiting for a VA appeals decision on your erectile dysfunction claim. How you chose to appeal the original decision will be a major factor in how long your VA claim appeal takes

For Higher Level Reviews and Supplemental Claims, the VA aims to provide vets with a decision within 125 days. Veterans who request a Board of Veterans Appeals hearing or are submitting evidence will likely wait years for a ruling. Estimates suggest a direct review with the BVA may take a year or more.

Are veterans with service-related ED able to have children?

Veterans with an ED diagnosis connected to their military service should understand that it does not automatically mean that they are also unable to have children. ED connected to military service is more likely to stem from external trauma to the genitals, chronic physical conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, or a psychological condition like anxiety or PTSD.  

Male infertility related to military service may be a result of cancer treatments for service-connected illnesses. Additionally, STIs, toxic exposure, and chronic health conditions like diabetes can play a role. Each veteran’s circumstances are unique, and it is best to consult a medical professional about your specific case.