Veteran with a tinnitus va rating and hearing loss receives a hearing aid

Veteransโ€™ Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Claims

Legally reviewed by Brendan Garcia , Owner and Lead Attorney

Service-connected hearing loss and tinnitus are common among veterans, but the VA offers low disability ratings in most cases.


  • Service events or conditions, including explosions and exposure to ammunition being discharged, can cause veterans to develop hearing loss and tinnitus.
  • The VA rates hearing loss and tinnitus separately for veterans disability benefits claims.
  • Research has linked hearing loss to a higher risk of cognitive decline and mental health issues like depression.
  • Veterans must show evidence of a diagnosis and service connection to secure VA disability for tinnitus or hearing loss.

A significant number of veterans experience some degree of hearing loss or tinnitus related to their active duty military service. Persistent hearing issues can measurably reduce a veteranโ€™s quality of life.

Often, tinnitus or hearing loss makes it difficult to participate in conversations, enjoy various forms of entertainment, concentrate at work, and even get a good nightโ€™s sleep. A knowledgeable member of our team can help you pursue your veteran disability for hearing loss and tinnitus or appeal.

We’ll explain the qualifying criteria for the program, help you file a claim, and pursue an appeal if you have already received a veteran hearing loss and tinnitus claim denial. To schedule a free consultation, give us a call at (855) 573-1503 or submit a contact form today.

Understanding Veteran Disability Claims: Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

Hearing loss is a common lasting effect of active service in the military, as at minimum all active duty personnel must undergo basic training that exposes soldiers, sailors, and airmen to live fire.

Veterans who have spent time on active duty may have also endured loud explosions, wounds that affect the ear canals, or trauma resulting from violent blows to the head.ย As a result, many vets now suffer from hearing loss or tinnitus that is traceable to their time on active duty.

Fortunately, you can pursue a physical condition claim for veteransโ€™ compensation benefits if you currently have hearing loss or tinnitus because of your service โ€“ even if you do not have an official diagnosis.

Hearing Loss Connected to Time in the Military

Various incidents other than gunfire can cause hearing loss or tinnitus, many of which can occur during active duty or even training. For example, servicemembers who train in artillery or tank units can sustain hearing loss or tinnitus from being near loud noises even if they wear ear protection.

A common hearing condition known as tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, may not necessarily result from direct trauma to the ear. It can be a symptom of head injuries, neck injuries, or muscle spasms in the ear.

A VA disability claim for entitlement to service connection for hearing loss and tinnitus can provide compensation following any of these events if they are connected to your time on active duty service.

Many vets do not notice that they suffer from hearing loss or tinnitus until years after their discharge, and the VA will routinely deny claims for these conditions due to the delay in filing for benefits. An appeal is typically needed to win these claims. In some cases veterans may need to reopen their denied VA claim to proceed.

Can You Get VA Disability for Hearing Loss and Tinnitus?

Veterans who suffer from hearing loss and tinnitus are typically eligible for VA disability benefits. In fact, these are two of the most common conditions that qualify a person for disability benefits.ย According to the 2023 VA Annual Benefits Report, over 1.4 million individuals received veteran disability benefits for hearing loss.

Additionally, 2.9 million individuals qualified for veteran disability benefits for tinnitus during the 2023 fiscal year alone.ย This makes tinnitus and hearing loss the first and third most prevalent service-connected disabilities, respectively.

Tinnitus Vs. Hearing Loss

To the average person, hearing loss and tinnitus may seem like the same condition. While hearing loss and tinnitus are often closely linked, there are significant differences that set these two conditions apart. Understanding these differences is critical to navigating your VA disability claim and securing the benefits you deserve.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the perception of sound that does not have an external source, meaning that other people cannot hear it. The symptoms of this condition vary from person to person but often manifest as a ringing, buzzing, whistling, or humming in one ear, both ears, and/or the head.

The symptoms may come and go and are often triggered by a specific movement of the body. The precise causes of tinnitus are not well understood, but the condition has been linked to noise exposure, hearing loss, head or neck injuries, and other chronic conditions.

In the majority of cases, tinnitus is a subjective experience, meaning it cannot be fully assessed or understood by medical professionals. Although diagnosing and treating tinnitus can be difficult, seeking assistance from your primary care doctor is typically the first step.

Understanding the Signs of Service-Related Hearing Loss

Hearing loss, on the other hand, is often characterized by the muffling of speech or other sounds. This results in trouble understanding words, and/or difficulty having conversations with friends or family.

This is a common condition that develops due to noise exposure, aging, disease, or genetic variations. Hearing loss can impact a personโ€™s cognitive health as well. Research shows hearing loss leads to an increased risk of developing dementia, depression, and a decline in cognitive abilities.

It should be noted that tinnitus may be a sign of an underlying medical condition such as hearing loss. According to statistics from the Hearing Health Foundation, 90% of those who suffer from tinnitus also suffer from hearing loss.

While these two conditions are often connected, they are categorized differently by the VA. This means an individual will have a tinnitus VA rating and a separate hearing loss VA rating.

Qualifying Factors for a Veteran’s Hearing Loss or Tinnitus Claim

Servicemembers pursuing VA benefits based on hearing loss or tinnitus must satisfy two main criteria, the first of which is demonstrating that the incident that caused the hearing loss occurred while on active duty.

Second, they must either receive a diagnosis from a doctor that indicates hearing loss or provide lay evidence showing they suffer from tinnitus. This evidence, whether medical or lay, should also document the effect the conditions have on their life.

VA Ratings Determine Compensation for Vets With Hearing Issues

After a veteran has submitted that information, the VA would assign them a disability rating from zero to 100. This determines the amount of monthly benefits they can receive. If you’re suffering from hearing loss or tinnitus and wish to pursue a claim, a VA-accredited lawyer can help.

They will help you demonstrate that your injury occurred while on active duty. Additionally, your veterans disability appeals attorney will work to gather medical evidence of how this condition affects your day-to-day life and connect your disability to your military service.

What is the Tinnitus VA Rating?

The VA rates tinnitus using 38 CFR ยง 4.87, Schedule of Ratings, specifically Ear, Diagnostic Code 6260. Under this standard, the current maximum VA disability rating for tinnitus is a flat 10%. Veterans can only secure a 10% rating for either one or both ears, regardless of the severity of the condition.

This rating can only be increased if a vet can prove that service-connected tinnitus has directly led to or worsened other serious medical conditions such as insomnia or headaches.

Likewise, if a vet can prove that their tinnitus was caused by an injury or illness that they sustained or developed during their service, the VA rating for this condition can be increased. In that case, a veteran would need to submit a secondary condition claim to obtain benefits for their tinnitus.

What is the Hearing Loss VA Rating?

Determining the VA rating for hearing loss can be complicated, as there are several ways that this condition can manifest. For VA purposes, all veterans must undergo a hearing exam conducted by a licensed audiologist and receive a diagnosis of hearing loss.

The VA will then evaluate your diagnosis using a grid chart to determine your disability rating. While disability ratings range from 0 to 100 percent, most veterans are assigned a 10% disability rating for hearing loss.

Eligibility for Additional Benefits Based on a VA Hearing Loss Rating

If you suffer from hearing loss in both ears, you may be entitled to additional compensation for your condition. Special Monthly Compensation may be provided to veterans with a particularly serious disability or combination of disabilities.

This compensation is paid in addition to standard VA disability benefits. Your attorney can provide greater detail on veteran disability for hearing loss and whether you qualify for Special Monthly Compensation based on your condition.

How is A VA Claim For Tinnitus Denied?

Unfortunately, your veteran disability claim for tinnitus can be denied for several reasons. The VA will assess your claim against stringent requirements. Even the smallest error in your application can impact your ability to secure benefits.

Some of the most common reasons for a VA claim for tinnitus to be denied include:

  • Lack of official diagnosis in medical records. While a diagnosis is not required to receive a VA disability rating for tinnitus, it can be helpful to have a medical professional confirm your condition.
  • Your condition cannot be adequately connected to your service. Specifically, if your condition is categorized as low probability under the Duty MOS Noise Exposure Listing, the VA will often assume that your tinnitus is not related to your military service and deny your disability benefits.
  • Failure to identify the specific timeframe during military service when tinnitus began.
  • Lack of understanding of the condition, such as which ear is impacted and how symptoms reduce your quality of life.
  • Your condition is not recurrent.

Appealing a Denied Claim for Hearing Loss or Tinnitus

The VA system can be notoriously difficult to navigate and many veterans express frustration with the process. The claims process is indeed highly complicated, but it is possible to improve your chances of success using specific tools and strategies.

The VA is more likely to approve your claim when you can clearly connect your condition to your military service. Submitting a VA buddy statement can be helpful in this regard. This statement allows other service members or family members to attest to when the condition began and how tinnitus has impacted your daily life.

Options for Vets Who Want to Appeal Their Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Claims

If your veteran disability claim for tinnitus or hearing loss has been denied, you may appeal the decision. There are three different levels of the VA appeals system. The option you utilize will depend on whether you wish to submit new evidence or want to request a further review from a more senior staff member.

For example, a Supplemental Claim can be filed to provide additional evidence for your claim. Alternatively, you can request a Higher-Level Review. This is an option for vets who disagree with the VA’s initial decision, but don’t wish to submit new evidence.

Finally, you can file an appeal with the Board of Veteransโ€™ Appeals. You can choose this either after an initial decision or if you remain dissatisfied with the decision following lesser appeals. Through these different options, you can ensure that your claim receives the full and fair review it deserves.

How Can We Help Once Your VA Claim for Tinnitus or Hearing Loss Has Been Denied?

Although tinnitus and hearing loss are considered some of the easiest things to claim for VA disability benefits, that does not mean the process will be simple, or that you will be granted benefits on your first try.

If you have been denied veteran disability for hearing loss or tinnitus, you are likely feeling frustrated and unsure of where to turn for support. Look no further than the team of veterans disability appeals attorneys of VetLaw.

Established by a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, VetLaw is the go-to law firm for individuals across the United States who have been left out by the VA process. We work diligently to secure approval for our clientsโ€™ claims, as proven by our demonstrated record of success.

Discuss Your Options for Your Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Claim With VetLaw Today

VetLaw can offer you unparalleled legal support as you navigate the VA appeals process. Being denied veteran disability for tinnitus or hearing loss is not the end of the road. You have options to further pursue your case and secure VA disability benefits.

To begin your free case review with our team, consider contacting us today. You can call us at (855) 573-1503 or submit a contact form today to schedule a free consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is tinnitus related to mental health issues?

For years, research has suggested that a strong link between mental health and physical injuries exists. Recent research studies conducted by the VA indicate that there is a correlation between tinnitus and mental health conditions in veterans.ย 

One team found that โ€œtinnitus diagnoses were associated with mental health diagnoses, including anxiety, depression, and substance use disordersโ€ in veterans. Another found that those mental health issues, as well as PTSD, were common among veterans with more serious cases of tinnitus.

What are the types of hearing loss veterans can experience?

The medical community recognizes three major forms of hearing loss. They can be distinguished by which part of the ear is responsible for the deficit. When a veteran develops sensorineural hearing loss, it means they have suffered damage to the inner ear or hearing nerve. The causes of sensorineural hearing loss can be acute or chronic.

Although it is less common, veterans can also develop conductive hearing loss. Unlike sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss is related to an issue with the outer or middle ear. In most cases, there is a corresponding physical injury or blockage that is obstructing the flow of sound waves.ย 

The third type is mixed hearing loss, where a veteran experiences deficits due to both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss. Hearing aids may help veterans with sensorineural hearing loss. Those with conductive hearing loss may require surgery to address the issue.

Is a hearing loss and tinnitus claim a guaranteed VA disability claim?

Although hearing loss and tinnitus are common service-related injuries, that doesn’t mean the VA automatically guarantees benefits for all vets. First, veterans must prove that they meet the service and diagnostic criteria for presumptive service-related hearing loss.