Young overweight veteran taking a break while jogging

Obesity Caused by Service-Related Injuries and Mental Illness

Legally reviewed by Heather Hartley , Associate Attorney

Although obesity doesn’t receive a disability rating from the VA, veterans may be able to increase their compensation for the condition if it is caused by service-related injuries or mental illness.


  • Obesity is a prevalent condition among veterans caused by service injuries.
  • Not just physical injuries but mental disorders as well can cause veteran obesity and disability. 
  • Veterans can potentially seek VA benefits for obesity

Despite ongoing research, obesity remains a complex and often misunderstood condition that impacts civilians and veterans alike.

As we gain a clearer picture of the underlying causes of obesity, it’s evident that other chronic physical and mental health conditions can play a role in an individual developing obesity, in addition to genetics, lifestyle, and environment.

Veterans are often more prone to these medical issues as a result of their military service. Consequently, this places them at greater risk for developing obesity. However, in order to collect VA disability benefits for obesity, a veteran must prove it is related to another service-connected disability.

Our team of veteran disability appeals lawyers can help you accomplish this. VetLaw’s accredited veteran lawyers have assisted countless veterans with their VA claims and can help you appeal your denial of benefits. 

Reach out to VetLaw about scheduling a free consultation by filling out a contact form on our website or calling (336) 355-8387.

Understanding Obesity VA Disability Rating: Legal Help for Veterans

United States Military veterans have been found to suffer from increased rates of obesity. One VA study found that almost 80% of veterans receiving primary care from the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) can be classified as either overweight or obese. 

The prevalence of this issue among veterans is no coincidence and can be connected to a wide range of service-related injuries both physical and psychological in nature. Unfortunately, the VA does not recognize obesity as a disability on its own, but rather a symptom of a service-connected condition.

Veterans suffering from the effects of obesity may be able to receive VA disability benefits if they are able to connect their obesity to a service-related injury instead. Many veterans seek benefits through VA claims for this disability but are denied the help they need. 

Defining Obesity and Its Status as a Disability

Obesity is a serious condition where an extreme excess of body fat interferes with healthy bodily function. Body fat is a necessary component of your physical makeup that plays a role in your ability to store and use energy but as with most excesses, can potentially cause problems. 

A severe accumulation of body fat impedes your internal organs’ functionality, puts additional stress on the structure of the body, and increases the risk of many diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Veterans suffering from obesity caused by service-related injuries may find that treating other injuries is more difficult. 

Body Mass Index and Obesity

Whether someone is obese is determined through the use of body mass index (BMI). BMI is calculated with the formula weight (lb) / [height (in)]2 x 703. Those with a BMI of 30 or higher are considered obese.

A BMI of 25-29 is considered overweight and 18.5-24 is considered healthy. While BMI is used to determine obesity, it is not a direct measure of body fat and is criticized for its lack of reliability.

There are other ways to measure body fat and determine obesity but they are often more involved and expensive measures that do not surpass the simplicity and cost-effectiveness that BMI offers for most.

Debilitating Effects of Obesity in Veterans

Obesity is not just a condition that affects many veterans but is regarded as one of the major contributors to health problems among Americans across the country. The United States’ problem with obesity has been long documented and so has its effects on public health. 

The most notable effect obesity has on health is its ability to significantly increase the risk of developing certain diseases such as the following. 

In addition to increasing the risk for severe diseases, obesity also has a significant effect on a person’s mobility. A severe excess in body fat can reduce endurance and limit the range of motion. Excess weight can also put a strain on muscles and ligaments, causing conditions like Plantar Fasciitis.

In turn, this can reduce physical activity and calorie burning even further and compound the problem. Obesity also has a significant effect on the body’s ability to heal and combat illness. Surgery on obese patients comes with higher risk and some treatments of diseases are less effective on obese patients. 

All of this can have a profound impact on a person’s finances when they require more medical help. Further, they may face limited employment prospects due to their reduced physical abilities and even social stigmas regarding their appearance. 

Can I Get VA Disability Benefits For Obesity Caused by Service-Related Injuries?

It is possible to get VA disability benefits for obesity even though the VA does not provide disability ratings for it. 

Option 1: Pursue VA Benefits for a Secondary Condition Related to Obesity

Obesity can be considered a medical issue connected to a service-related injury. Therefore, obesity can essentially serve as an evidentiary bridge between your original service-connected condition and the secondary condition that resulted from your obesity. 

For example, say you suffered a compound femur fracture on active duty, which required months of recovery to heal. During this period of reduced physical activity and heightened stress, you gained significant of weight. As a result of the obesity, you develop Type II diabetes.

In a VA disability claim, you may be able to leverage your obesity diagnosis to explain how your service-connected leg injury led to your Type II diabetes. If the VA is convinced, you may be able to secure disability benefits for Type II diabetes as a secondary condition.

Option 2: Include Obesity as a Symptom to Secure an Extra-Schedular Rating

An alternative is to appeal to increase your VA disability rating for the service-related injuries or mental illness that caused your obesity. Specifically, you could apply for an extra-schedular rating for your service-connected injury and list obesity as a symptom of the disability. 

Basically, you are asking the VA to consider that due to the additional effects of obesity resulting from the service-connected disability, your service-related condition is unusually disabling therefore deserving of a higher rating.

If you decide to pursue this route to get VA benefits for obesity, be prepared for a challenge.

Veterans filing VA disability claims will need to be able to provide proof of their obesity diagnosis and a service-related condition, a connection of obesity to the service-related condition, and the negative effects of their obesity. This is possible with a medical nexus letter, military service records, and any additional relevant documentation.  

Understanding Veteran Obesity Caused by Service-Related Injuries

Many veterans end their military service with injuries ranging from mild conditions that can inconvenience them to total disabilities that can prevent them from working.

Development of obesity is possible both in physical and psychological injuries due to how many injuries cause sedentary lifestyles where a person cannot exercise or eat a balanced diet. 

Physical injuries of a wide range can cause obesity this way usually by inflicting damage that limits mobility. Physical trauma to the body that causes lacerations, broken bones, amputations, and internal organ damage can easily cause obesity. 

In other cases, repetitive strain might wear out joints. It can also cause damage to the structure of the body and limit mobility. Alternatively, injuries may alter eating patterns, metabolism, and hormonal balances which can lead to increased weight gain that leads to obesity

Mental Health Disorders Connected to Veteran Obesity

Psychological trauma is a major factor in the development of obesity among many veterans.

The disruptive nature of mental disorders can cause veterans to suffer from obesity when they overeat as a coping mechanism, medication changes their metabolism and eating habits, or when the imbalances in their mental state reduce physical activity. 

Common mental disorders believed to contribute to obesity among veterans include the following. 

This can create a vicious cycle where a veteran with obesity caused by mental illness develops additional anxiety or depression as a result of body image issues. Consequently, this makes it harder to take steps that would improve their physical and mental health, such as going out for walks or cooking healthy meals.

Contact VetLaw About Your Obesity VA Disability Claim

If you or a loved one have developed obesity as a result of injuries suffered during military service then you may be able to seek VA benefits for it. Filing a VA disability benefits claim for obesity can get you compensation that can help cover the costs of your disability but there is a real risk of denial

Veterans who have had their VA claims denied can still pursue benefits with the assistance of an experienced veterans lawyer from VetLaw. Our accredited VA claim lawyers have years of experience assisting veterans with denied claims.

We have also helped them overcome other bureaucratic obstacles in their pursuit of VA benefits. To contact VetLaw about your obesity VA benefits claim, fill out a contact form or call (336) 355-8387.

At VetLaw, we look forward to the opportunity to discuss your case with you. Then, we can determine the best way to help you secure VA benefits for obesity caused by service-related injuries or mental illness.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can veterans treat their obesity?

In addition to dietary and lifestyle changes, veterans may seek medical assistance to treat their obesity caused by service-related injuries. Before opting for invasive procedures like gastric bypass surgery, providers will often recommend medications. 

Recently, GLP-1 receptor agonist drugs like Ozempic have become a popular way to induce weight loss. However, veterans should be cautious about using these medications.

There are growing concerns that using drugs like Ozempic increases the risk of stomach paralysis and other digestive problems.

How can an eating disorder lead a veteran to develop obesity?

Many people assume that individuals with eating disorders appear emaciated, but that is not always the case. Eating disorders are more about an unhealthy relationship with food, which can also look like binge eating disorders.

Consuming an excessive amount of food in a short period of time is a hallmark of binge eating. Chronic overeating can lead to significant weight gain. Using various metrics, a physician may then determine that you have reached an unhealthy weight for your body and provide an obesity diagnosis.

Can I increase my disability rating by claiming obesity as a secondary condition?

The VA can increase your disability rating if it determines your secondary condition is valid and causes you additional impairment. If the VA approves your secondary disability claim and increases your rating, you may become eligible for additional benefits.

This would generally be based on an exacerbation of symptoms specific to the secondary condition, not a rating for obesity. However, an obesity diagnosis can still add valuable context to your veteran disability claim.