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Marine VA Benefits Lawyers | VetLaw

Legally reviewed by Heather Hartley , Associate Attorney

Marine vets with service-related injuries or illnesses can secure benefits through the VA disability claims process.


  • Marine veterans can collect VA disability benefits for service-related disabilities, including both injuries and illnesses. Vets who have been denied should consult with a Marine VA benefits lawyer to determine their next steps.
  • Marines must meet specific VA requirements for disability benefits eligibility.
  • Service-related disabilities for Marines can range from traumatic brain injuries to vascular damage to mental health issues.
  • VA disability benefits help cover medical expenses and offer financial support for Marines and their families.

Marines are responsible for land and sea operations critical to national security, which often means putting themselves in harm’s way to execute their duties. In exchange for their willingness to risk their physical and mental health, the VA offers qualified Marine vets benefits for service-connected conditions.

As Marine VA disability benefits lawyers will tell you, the process of securing these benefits can be fraught with setbacks. At VetLaw, we are prepared to take swift action on your behalf.

Our veterans disability claims attorneys have a firm grasp on VA tactics, the appeals process, and the effort needed to maximize VA disability benefits based on many years of experience. Reach out to our respected Marine VA benefits lawyers by calling (855) 500-4672 or submitting a contact form to schedule a free consultation. 

VetLaw Offers Expert Legal Support for Marine Veterans Seeking VA Disability Benefits

Marine vets deserve elite service, and our team at VetLaw is invested in providing that support. Our founder, Attorney Brendan Garcia, is a proud Marine Corps veteran himself. He also spent time working as an attorney for the VA in various capacities.

Now, he is committed to serving veterans effectively outside the confines of the VA as a veterans disability appeals lawyer. We are VA-accredited with almost a decade of exemplary service to our name.

Marine Corps veterans across the U.S. have chosen us to guide them through the aftermath of a VA denial because we share their values, believe their sacrifice deserves recognition, and reliably deliver the results they expect.

Check Out Our Case Results and Client Reviews to See What VetLaw Has Accomplished

Our veterans disability claim lawyers will establish a plan to maximize your VA benefits after a VA denial. You can rest assured that once you hire our team, you won’t be in this fight alone. As our clients will tell you, our VA-accredited team is a significant asset to any appeal. 

“Brendan Garcia of VetLaw did an amazing job to get me my VA benefits! VetLaw is a Five Star law service. Thank you for all the wonderful help.”

“Mr. Garcia took on my VA case after I had my multiple claims denied. Mr. Garcia got me the best outcome possible for my VA claims. It is an absolute game-changer. If you’re a vet or retiree and struggling with your claim(s), please give Brendan Garcia an opportunity to help you.”

For us, protecting veterans’ rights is personal. Our team strives to offer the highest quality of legal representation possible because we understand what you are going through.

Marine Corps Veterans Must Prove They Meet VA Requirements for Disability Benefits

A credible claim for disability benefits needs to have certain components for the VA to assign a disability rating and authorize benefits. Your Marine VA benefits lawyer can help you collect the paperwork and evidence you need to establish your eligibility based on these standards:

  • You received an other-than-Dishonorable discharge after you served as an active duty Marine for 2 years or fulfilled your service obligation
  • You have a mental or physical health condition that is impacting your life
  • While serving as a Marine, you experienced an event or circumstances that resulted in your service-connected disability

Veterans with presumptive conditions can skip the step of establishing a service connection, provided that they meet the service criteria and secure a compensable VA rating. A skilled Marine VA benefits lawyer will be able to help you determine whether or not this applies to your case.

Typical Service-Connected Disabilities For Marine Corps Veterans

Given the variety of duties Marines have, the range of injuries or illnesses they are susceptible to is similarly broad. Marines can be harmed due to a lack of proper protective equipment or training, as a result of combat, through exposure to toxins, and from the tools or equipment they handle.

Marines are at a higher risk of service-related disabilities such as:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries caused by explosions, vehicle collisions, falls, and other events
  • Mental health problems such as PTSD and depression due to experiencing traumatic incidents and injuries, as well as the stress of performing a dangerous job and living far away from family or friends
  • Broken bones, torn ligaments or muscles, arthritis, nerve damage, and other musculoskeletal injuries from direct impacts, repetitive movements, or strong vibrations can result in chronic pain and limited mobility

Additionally, Marine Corps veterans are at risk of developing secondary conditions related to these illnesses and injuries. The VA also provides ratings for secondary conditions that are the result of service-connected disabilities, or those that were aggravated by service-connected disabilities.

VA Disability Benefits Help Offset Costs For Marines and Their Families

For many Marine veterans trying to access VA disability benefits, medical care is a major source of financial stress. Depending on your illness or injury, you may require physical therapy or a wheelchair to be mobile.

Other vets may need medication to balance hormones or alleviate pain, surgery to repair damage, or any other number of medical treatments. VA disability benefits can help cover these costs. However, healthcare is not the only expense that VA disability benefits can reimburse.

A service-related disability may be keeping you from returning to work or limiting your hours and responsibilities. Eligible Marine veterans can seek TDIU or other benefits to supplement their paycheck.  Alternatively, you may need to pivot your career to accommodate your disability.

VA benefits can provide compensation for educational programs as well as vocational training. The VA may offer additional benefits like Special Monthly Compensation depending on your circumstances. Speak with your Marine VA benefits lawyer to discuss the types of VA benefits you are qualified to receive.

Our Marine VA Benefits Lawyers Can Simplify and Streamline Your Claim

Choosing VetLaw can make all the difference in the result of your appeal, as well as the kind of experience you have during the process of seeking disability benefits. Our team has the tenacity and skills to help you seek VA disability benefits after being denied by the VA.

We recognize that it can seem like you have no control over what happens to your appeal, so our team makes it a point to center our clients throughout the process. For instance, we will take the time to help you understand unfamiliar VA benefits terminology so that you can feel comfortable making decisions about your claim.

We will also present evidence to substantiate your disability’s service connection and severity, coordinate with the VA to ensure they have the necessary paperwork to process your claim, and assist you in applying for the benefits that correspond with your disability rating

At VetLaw, we believe in empowering veterans in the VA disability claims process. Get in touch to learn more.

Set Your Appeal Up For Success By Contacting the Marine VA Benefits Lawyers of VetLaw

Our VA disability attorneys have witnessed the countless ways service-related injuries and illnesses can impact Marine veterans, and we have made it our goal to help balance out these costs by helping our clients secure the compensation they deserve.

You can expect the lawyers of VetLaw to go the extra mile for your Marine VA disability benefits claim.

Let our team of veterans disability appeals attorneys help get your case on track to receive the maximum VA disability benefits possible. We will fight for your rights, keep you informed on updates with your appeal, and use our substantial experience to your advantage throughout the process. 

At Vet Law, our clients are the focus of everything we do from the beginning. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our capable Marine VA benefits lawyers by calling (855) 500-4672 or filling out a contact form to schedule a free consultation. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the VA take to process an appeal for disability benefits?

The VA has debuted a reformed system with three pathways for filing appeals under the Appeals Modernization process, so at this point, we don’t have a firm answer for the average timeframe for appealing a denied claim

Marine vets who are filing a Legacy appeal will likely wait at least 9 to 12 months. If you request a hearing with the Board of Appeals it usually takes at least 2 years, but it may take several.

What is a presumptive condition?

Essentially, it presumes a service connection for you. You’ll still need to show documentation that you served in the location during the timeframe the VA stipulated, such as Marine vets who served at Camp Lejeune during the water contamination.

The VA also recognizes presumptive service conditions for veterans who work with certain types of equipment that are known to cause injury, like AFFF firefighting foam.

Can I appeal my character of discharge to become eligible for VA disability benefits?

Marine veterans who sustained certain types of service-related injuries may have exhibited medically-induced behavioral problems that resulted in a Dishonorable discharge.

A Dishonorable discharge usually prevents a veteran from accessing VA disability benefits. For example, this could include Marine vets with PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injuries, and Military Sexual Trauma. 

You are allowed to appeal your character of discharge. The VA calls this a discharge upgrade. Note that veterans can access VA healthcare services for conditions related to Military Sexual Trauma regardless of the character of their discharge.

Can Marine veterans file Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuits?

Marine veterans who served and/or lived at Camp Lejeune during the active contamination period may be eligible for financial compensation for their damages through a civil lawsuit. These damages can encompass economic losses like medical bills as well as non-economic losses like pain and suffering.

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 allows Marines and their families to pursue claims against the government if they were exposed to Camp Lejeune’s toxic water for a minimum amount of time and developed certain health issues as a result.

Do I have to pay taxes on my VA disability benefits?

No, disability compensation from the VA is a tax-free benefit for veterans with service-related injuries or illnesses.

How can I get an automatic 50% disability rating for PTSD?

You may have heard that the VA automatically awards a 50% disability rating to veterans with service-connected PTSD. However, there are a few caveats to this. You still need to have an official PTSD diagnosis connected to an in-service experience while you were active duty. 

Additionally, your PTSD must be the reason for your discharge. For example, if your flashbacks interfered with your ability to fulfill your duties, then the basis of your discharge would likely be your PTSD symptoms. 

Keep in mind that the automatic 50% rating for PTSD expires after 6 months. After that, the VA will have a provider reassess your PTSD symptoms to see if the 50% rating is still warranted. You may keep the 50% rating, or the VA could decide to increase or decrease the rating.