Vet on wheelchair

Appealing a Veteran Orthopedic Injury Claim Denial | Free Consult

Legally reviewed by Brendan Garcia , Partner and Lead Attorney

Healing after a bone has been broken is not always as simple as wearing a cast until the bone mends and living happily ever after. Far too often, people who have suffered orthopedic injuries such as broken bones, sprains and strains end up suffering from long-term pain and even disability down the road.

Arthritis and other forms of disabling pain may occur years after an initial injury. If the discomfort that you experience because of an injury that happened during your military service is now reaching such a level that you are unable to continue working, you may have a valid veterans’ disability claim — even years after leaving the military.

Are you experiencing a herniated disc in your back long after a service-related car accident that injured your lower back? Perhaps your current health insurance is paying for medical treatment related to your current conditions — but the VA should actually be responsible for compensating your loss of function originating with your service-related orthopedic injury.

The veterans physical injury claims lawyers at VetLaw have represented many veterans whose injuries and illnesses that occurred during military service continue to cause health problems and disability. If you’ve experienced a veteran orthopedic injury claim denial, our law firm can help. At VetLaw, we’re dedicated to representing veterans and their families who have been unfairly denied VA benefits. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.

Importance of An Attorney Assisting With a Veteran Orthopedic Injury Claim Denial

Talk to our attorney to learn how we can help you with your claim, represent and protect you during an appeal, and help ensure that your disability rating is properly determined. We may also determine that complications from your service-related orthopedic injuries also qualify you for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, or SSI if your income is low enough.

We are prepared to advise you on the most likely routes to a successful benefit claim, rating adjustment or appeal. Our goal is to help you recover all compensation and benefits that you deserve. At VetLaw, we understand the frustration of receiving a veteran orthopedic injury claim denial. Our team of experienced attorneys is here to fight for your rights and help you obtain the benefits you deserve. If you’ve been denied VA benefits, contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

We maintain offices in Winston Salem and Charlotte for the convenience of our clients.