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Our Blog

Female Veteran Suicide Rates

Many veterans who serve their country and return from active duty feel out of place when they get back. Depression in former servicemembers is a growing issue that must be confronted by our mental healthcare system. The National Veterans Foundation noted that 20 percent of those who served in Afghanistan or Iraq struggle with some […]

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New Bill to Address Veteran Suicide Rates

The Veteran Overmedication and Suicide Prevention Act was passed in early 2019 to prioritize gathering information in order to improve people’s understanding of veteran deaths by suicide. The act also calls for a determination on the impact of opioid prescription’s use and abuse on veteran suicide. This bill was first proposed by the late Senator […]

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Study Shows Link Between PTSD and Genetic Susceptibility 

Although Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, affects a significant part of our population and an even larger portion of the veteran population, there is relatively little information known about this condition. This disorder involves reliving traumatic experiences and sometimes has no identifiable cause. In order to treat PTSD in former service members, it is […]

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HeroRun 5k

Thank you to everyone who suited up in your favorite superhero costume and joined us for VetLaw – Veterans Disability Law Firm at the HeroRun 5K to support Veterans in the community! VetLaw-Veterans Disability Law Firm was honored to be a sponsor of the 2019 HeroRun 5K. The Hero Run 5K was held on Saturday, […]

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Secretary of Defense Takes Action Against Toxic Chemicals on Military Bases

Mark Esper, newly appointed Secretary of Defense, established a task force to deal with cancer-causing chemicals found in water sources on military bases. Concerns were initially raised when an environmental advocacy group concluded that at least 175 military installations nationwide are contaminated by fluorinated compounds known as PFAS. Esper told reporters at the Pentagon last […]

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