Army personnel marching in parade in uniform

Army Reserve VA Benefits Lawyers

Legally reviewed by Heather Hartley , Associate Attorney

While Army Reservists are generally eligible to receive VA disability benefits, they often struggle to access the compensation they need.


  • Army Reservists may be entitled to VA disability benefits, but the requirements are more stringent; Army Reserve VA benefits lawyers are often necessary to obtain benefits.
  • Army Reserve veterans may struggle to prove the service connection of their injuries or illnesses, leading to higher denial rates from the VA.
  • Thorough medical documentation is crucial for Army Reserve VA disability claims to establish the link between their health condition and qualifying military service.
  • Disability benefits help cover medical expenses, lost income, and other consequences of service-related disabilities.

Army reservists provide essential support to keep the Army functional and ready to respond. Like Army vets, qualified Army Reservists can pursue disability benefits for service-related health conditions. 

The VA disability claims process is already difficult, but Army Reserve veterans often have a more difficult time establishing that their illness or injury is related to their time in the military due to the nature of their service.

As an Army Reserve veteran, you are more likely to have your VA disability benefits claim denied as compared to other full-time service members. Give your Army Reserve disability benefits claim the best chance of receiving approval by involving the veterans disability appeals lawyers of VetLaw.

Our team of expert representatives is highly knowledgeable about the appeals process. We also possesses the resources to fuel your case, and consistently puts our clients first. Don’t delay scheduling a free case evaluation with one of our respected Army Reserve VA benefits attorneys by calling our team at (855) 500-4672 or submitting a contact form

Why You Should Rely On VetLaw to Champion Your Appeal

If you are having trouble showing you meet the requirements for VA disability benefits, you are not alone. Army Reserve veterans have a particularly tough road, but our team at VetLaw is not intimidated by a challenge. You need a legal team that is relentless, focused, and skilled. 

VetLaw meets and exceeds those expectations on a regular basis for our clients. We have found that centering our clients during the VA disability appeals process is crucial. You can rest assured that we will make the effort to keep you informed, clearly explain your options, and account for your priorities when we offer advice.

Our Client Reviews and Results Make the Case For VetLaw

Clients often come to us after their first attempt to secure VA disability benefits was unsuccessful. We consistently rise to the occasion for them and craft solid appeals that get results. Check out a sample of our client reviews for a glimpse of what you can expect from the Army Reserve VA benefits lawyers of VetLaw.

“When all the smoke cleared, I’m now collecting max disability monthly, back pay beyond my wildest dreams. Brendan Garcia never stopped. He is an expert in Veterans law. Best decision of my life was to have him on my side. Bar none, Brendan is a terrific VA benefits attorney!”

“I was ready to give up trying to get my benefits when I contacted VetLaw. They were courteous and extremely helpful. They explained how they could help get what I deserve.” 

Understanding the Special Eligibility Requirements for Army Reserve Veterans

Army Reserve veterans often encounter greater obstacles with the VA as compared to Army vets seeking VA benefits. To understand why, consider the two following points. First, the VA is not responsible for providing disability benefits for injuries or illnesses that were caused by or aggravated when Reservists are functioning as civilians.

Second, many Army Reserve vets served mostly part-time. That means that there are limited opportunities for them to sustain an injury related to their service. This is often a major contributor to the VA’s skepticism. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for the VA to deny an Army Reservist’s claim based on a lack of in-service evidence.

We cannot overstate the importance of thorough medical documentation when it comes to Army Reserve VA disability benefits claims. The VA has high standards for Reservists seeking benefits.

Think of this like establishing liability in a personal injury claim. The VA doesn’t want to pay benefits for conditions that were incurred outside the time that the military was responsible for the veteran. 

How VA Limitations Apply to Army Reservists Pursuing Disability Benefits

To be eligible for VA disability benefits as an Army Reservist, your claim has to have evidence of the following elements:

  • You meet the VA definition of a veteran and you were not Dishonorably discharged
  • You have a diagnosed medical condition that was irritated or caused by your military service

Additionally, as an Army Reserve vet, you must prove that either:

  • Your physical or mental condition was caused or exacerbated by your time on active duty or active duty for training
  • Or, your medical condition was the result of a heart attack, stroke, or injury that happened while you were serving on inactive duty for training

Fulfilling Army Reserve Duties Can Lead to Service-Related Disabilities

Army Reservists may be injured while performing their assigned tasks. Specifically, drilling and training exercises can be hard on the muscles and joints. Common disabilities among Army Reserve veterans include:

While health conditions caused by long-term exposure to toxins are generally less of a concern for Army Reservists, they can still be at risk if they handle carcinogenic substances like AFFF firefighting foam during active duty for training or encounter toxic burn pits while deployed on active duty.

Examples of VA Disability Benefits Army Reserve Vets Can Access

Disability benefits contribute to a veteran’s medical expenses for their service-related condition, as well as a Secondary Condition. Medical bills for blood tests, medical imaging like X-rays, physical therapy sessions, prescriptions, and more can be compensated with VA disability benefits. 

However, many Army Reservists experience additional consequences from their service-related disability. Unfortunately, a serious injury or illness can force an Army Reservist to modify their duties or retire for medical reasons. Keep in mind a service-connected disability can also prevent an Army Reservist from returning to their second job.

The VA accounts for the limitations of your disability when they issue a disability rating, so your VA benefits can also help supplement your lost income. For Army Reserve vets with severe or incapacitating disabilities, the VA may grant other benefits like Special Monthly Compensation.

Put Our Army Reserve VA Benefits Lawyers in Charge of Your VA Disability Benefits Claim

Our VA-accredited Army Reserve disability benefits attorneys are an outstanding choice for legal representation. At VetLaw, we have taken on the VA for our clients and consistently returned with great results that allowed them to move forward after a service-connected disability.

We are persistent, capable, and adept at navigating bureaucracy, which are the precise qualities you need in an attorney when the VA has denied your claim. VetLaw can offer you a second chance to secure VA disability benefits with the support of formidable, accomplished advocates.

Contact the Army Reserve VA Benefits Lawyers of VetLaw To Get Started

Unfortunately, former Army Reservists often have a tougher time accessing VA disability benefits given the parameters the VA insists on. Our team of seasoned VA disability appeals attorneys is not intimidated in the slightest. 

At VetLaw, we will meticulously document your service connection, prepare your claim for the appeals process, and tirelessly pursue benefits for you. Get started today by calling our team at (855) 500-4672 or submitting a contact form

Our team will help you schedule a free consultation where one of our Army Reserve VA benefits lawyers can walk you through what to expect. We will also review how our comprehensive services will support your VA disability benefits claim.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does an Army Reserve VA benefits lawyer charge for their services?

VA disability benefits attorneys do not collect compensation for their services until the claim is successfully settled. So, you can hire a lawyer but not pay anything until you are approved for benefits. The fee veterans disability claims lawyers charge is approximately equivalent to a third of the back pay benefits you receive.

How serious does my illness or injury have to be to qualify for disability benefits with the VA?

The VA uses a disability rating system to determine eligibility and level of benefits. For each condition, the VA assigns certain symptoms to a corresponding percentage.

Generally, the more serious and lasting symptoms you have, the higher your disability rating. You must receive a disability rating of 10% or more to be entitled to VA disability benefits for a mental or physical condition.

Do I need a medical nexus letter to file a VA disability claim as an Army Reserve veteran?

As we highlighted earlier, medical records are particularly important for Army Reservists seeking VA disability benefits. A medical nexus letter from your healthcare provider can be key to proving your disability is related to your service.