D.A. vs. Denis McDonough

Legally reviewed by Brendan Garcia , Partner and Lead Attorney

WHG is thrilled to announce a recent victory for our client at the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. VA agreed the Board erred in denying our client a disability rating higher than 50% for his mental health condition.

Board Failed to Apply Proper Legal Analysis

The Board did not properly analyze our client’s symptoms under the legal standards set by Vazquez-Claudio v. Shinseki. This case requires a two-step process to evaluate mental disorder claims. First, determine if the veteran has symptoms listed in the higher rating criteria or similar ones. Second, assess whether these symptoms cause the level of impairment specified for that rating.

Symptoms Overlooked or Misinterpreted

The Board focused on symptoms our client did not exhibit, such as suicidal ideation. It failed to evaluate the severity, frequency, and duration of the symptoms he did have. Our client experienced verbal aggression, irritability, and social withdrawal. The Board dismissed these symptoms because they did not exactly match the examples listed in the 70% rating criteria.

Inadequate Consideration of Impaired Impulse Control

Our client reported verbal aggression toward his girlfriend and had an incident leading to his arrest. The Board incorrectly concluded that, without physical violence, these symptoms did not indicate impaired impulse control. However, the criteria include unprovoked irritability with periods of violence as examples, not requirements.

Board Relied on an Inadequate VA Examination

WHG also argued that the Board based its decision on a 2017 VA examination that lacked detail about our client’s symptoms. The examiner provided minimal information and did not discuss how the symptoms affected his occupational or social functioning. This inadequate examination failed to inform the Board fully about the severity of our client’s condition. We will continue to pursue this argument before the Board.

What This Means for Our Client

The Court’s decision mandates a remand for the Board to reassess our client’s claim properly. The Board must evaluate his symptoms according to the correct legal standards and consider whether they warrant a higher disability rating.

We Are Here to Help

If you or a loved one believe the VA has unfairly rated your disability, we can help. Our experienced team is dedicated to securing the benefits you rightfully deserve.