
Agent Orange Exposure Can Lead To Soft Tissue Sarcoma

Legally reviewed by Brendan Garcia , Partner and Lead Attorney

Soft Tissue Sarcomas and Agent Orange: Legal Help for Veterans

Soft tissue sarcomas refers to a certain group of cancers in the body’s muscle, fat, blood, or other connective tissue. This type of cancer does not attack hard tissue such as bone or cartilage.

Because the early stages of soft tissue sarcoma often do not have symptoms, affected individuals might not notice the cancer until it has reached more advanced stages. The Department of Veterans Affairs does not recognize numerous soft tissue sarcomas as being caused by Agent Orange exposure – osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma and mesothelioma.

If you are a veteran who served in Vietnam or other areas, it is wise to seek the counsel of an experienced attorney. We will examine your situation and provide the legal guidance that is necessary to receive the benefits you are owed, even if you have already received a denial from Veteran Affairs on your soft tissue sarcoma claim.

Our Team Can Help Appeal A Veteran Soft Tissue Sarcoma Claim Denial

Schedule a free consultation at VetLaw. To learn more about how our lawyer can help or to seek representation for your soft tissue sarcoma claim, contact us by phone or by completing our convenient online contact form.