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Riverside Veteran Disability Appeals Lawyer | VetLaw | Contact Us

Legally reviewed by Brendan Garcia , Partner and Lead Attorney

The process of applying for VA disability benefits is arduous, requiring a significant amount of time and effort. After dedicating so much time and effort to your application, receiving a denial can feel incredibly disappointing. At VetLaw, we understand this frustration, and work tirelessly to help disabled veterans navigate the appeals process and successfully obtain benefits. For more information about how we can help, do not hesitate to contact an experienced Riverside veteran disability appeals lawyer at 336-355-8387 today.

Our Comprehensive Services

VetLaw was established in 2014 by Attorney Brendan Garcia, a veteran of the United States Marine Corps. What sets us apart from other law firms is that we were founded by veterans, for veterans. We have a familiar understanding with Veteran Affairs, allowing us to more efficiently navigate the VA process. As the law firm of choice for so many veterans across the United States, we prioritize our core values of trust and integrity in every facet of our legal representation.

We utilize a โ€œno win, no feeโ€ structure, which means that we do not get paid for our legal services until we win your case. This motivates us to work hard for our clients and achieve a favorable resolution for each and every veteran. We will serve as your trusted advisor and advocate, guiding you through the Veteran Affairs appeals process and mitigating all potential pitfalls along the way.

What Is the Veteran Affairs Decision Review?

The Veteran Affairs decision review process is the system put in place to re-assess prior VA decisions. Using this system, veterans who were denied VA disability benefits can appeal their decision and continue their case. Veteran Affairs decision review provides three unique options for veterans who wish to appeal their decision. These options include:

  • Supplemental Claim
  • Higher-Level Review
  • Board Appeal

This system has replaced the VA legacy appeals process for all decisions made on or after February 19, 2019. Moreover, if one appeal option does not result in a favorable outcome, it is possible to utilize a different option to appeal the decision. Your Riverside veteran disability appeals lawyer can provide further insight into which Veteran Affairs decision review option is right for you based on the unique circumstances of your case.

What Should I Do If Veteran Affairs Denies My VA Disability Claim?

Veteran Affairs denies VA disability claims for an array of reasons. If you believe that you were unfairly denied VA disability benefits, it is important to review your decision letter and understand why your case was denied. If you wish to proceed with an appeal, seeking legal assistance may be valuable. The Board of Veteran Appealsโ€™ 2021 Annual Report states that 27.3% of unrepresented veterans versus 39.9% of represented veterans were granted appeals, in 2021, indicating that appealing a decision is entirely possible and more likely with the proper legal strategy.

How Can a Riverside Veteran Disability Attorney Help Me Navigate the Veteran Affairs Appeals Process?

A Riverside veteran disability appeals lawyer can help your case in a variety of ways, including:

  • Filing the appropriate paperwork to initiate the appeals process, including the VA Form 9, Appeal to Board of Veterans’ Appeals
  • Gathering any new or relevant evidence to support your case
  • Ensuring that you meet all filing deadlines
  • Representing you during a Board of Veteransโ€™ Appeals hearing
  • Crafting a legal strategy to fit your specific needs and goals
  • Handling all necessary correspondence with Veteran Affairs

When Should I Hire an Attorney to Help Me with My VA Disability Claim Appeal?

To meet the time limits associated with filing an appeal, it is important to hire an attorney as soon as possible after receiving your decision letter. You have one year from the date of the notification of a VA decision to file an appeal. Waiting too long can hinder your ability to successfully file an appeal and overturn a VA decision.

Where Is the Closest Veteran Affairs Office to Riverside?

With Veteran Affairs offices located all around the United States, you are typically not far from an office. As a resident of Riverside, the Moreno Valley Veteran Readiness and Employment Office is the closest VA office in your area.

How Does a Riverside Veteran Disability Attorney Helping Me With My Denial Get Paid?

There are laws in place that specify how Riverside veteran disability attorneys get paid. It is illegal for attorneys to collect fees based on future benefits. For instance, an individual successfully raises their disability rating from 30% to 70% and their attorney attempts to collect a portion of this award for three years into the future. This is prohibited under the law. Rather, the attorney must charge a contingency fee based on the retroactive benefits recovered. In other words, attorneys are paid using a percentage of the past-due benefits awarded to their clients. It is also important to note that Veteran Affairs will consider whether the fees collected by the attorney are considered reasonable. These rules and regulations were put in place to protect disabled veterans from predatory legal services.

How Much Could a Disabled Veteran Receive Per Month?

The compensation rates for disabled veterans vary year to year based on cost of living and inflation rates. These compensation rates are determined using the disability rate of the veteran as well as the presence of any dependents, such as a spouse or children.

The monthly payment amount for a veteran with a disability rating of 30% or higher will depend on their rating and their dependents. There are added amounts for veterans with a disability rating between 70% and 100% who meet certain criteria. Our Disability Calculator can be used to help estimate how much you could receive per month based on your condition.

Hiring a Riverside Veteran Disability Appeals Lawyer Near You to Help You with Your Denial

At this point in your journey, communicating with Veteran Affairs may seem frustrating, like your case is stuck and stagnant. These feelings are to be expected, but there are still options available to you. Our team of Riverside veteran disability attorneys know how to navigate the appeals process to obtain VA disability benefits once and for all. Consider contacting us at 336-355-8387 to begin your free case review today and see if VetLaw is a good fit for you and your family.

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